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After Effects Panel Install

  1. Add TrackerJack_AE-2.00.jsxbin to your ScriptUI Panels folder (After Effects > Scripts > ScriptUI Panels)

  2. Authenticate with your Admin password if necessary.

  3. Open After Effects and select the TrackerJack_AE-2.00.jsxbin option in the Windows Menu command.

  4. Drag the TrackerJack Panel to your desired location in the UI.

TrackerJack_AE Installed

5. “Allow scripts to write files and access network” must be enabled in AE Preferences. Troubleshooting

Allow Scripts to Write Files

Blender Add-on Install

  1. Open Blender and select to Edit -> Preferences.

  2. Select the Add-ons tab on the left if it is not already.

  3. Select the Install… button along the top.

  4. This will open a file dialog. Navigate to where you have downloaded the file. This file should not be unzipped.

  5. Then, click the Install add-on from file button.

  6. Search for the add-on by typing TrackerJack in the search box if it does not already appear.

  7. Make sure the checkbox next to the Add-on (3D View: TrackerJack) is checked:

TrackerJack Addon Installed

If you have any issues please reach out for assistance at use the “Contact Creator” button at Blender Market Contact Page